
Redundant and nonredundant organismal functions of EPS15 and EPS15L1.

Life science alliance (2019-01-30)
Cinzia Milesi, Paola Alberici, Benedetta Pozzi, Amanda Oldani, Galina V Beznoussenko, Andrea Raimondi, Blanche Ekalle Soppo, Stefania Amodio, Giusi Caldieri, Maria Grazia Malabarba, Giovanni Bertalot, Stefano Confalonieri, Dario Parazzoli, Alexander A Mironov, Carlo Tacchetti, Pier Paolo Di Fiore, Sara Sigismund, Nina Offenhäuser

EPS15 and its homologous EPS15L1 are endocytic accessory proteins. Studies in mammalian cell lines suggested that EPS15 and EPS15L1 regulate endocytosis in a redundant manner. However, at the organismal level, it is not known to which extent the functions of the two proteins overlap. Here, by exploiting various constitutive and conditional null mice, we report redundant and nonredundant functions of the two proteins. EPS15L1 displays a unique nonredundant role in the nervous system, whereas both proteins are fundamental during embryo development as shown by the embryonic lethality of -Eps15/Eps15L1-double KO mice. At the cellular level, the major process redundantly regulated by EPS15 and EPS15L1 is the endocytosis of the transferrin receptor, a pathway that sustains the development of red blood cells and controls iron homeostasis. Consequently, hematopoietic-specific conditional Eps15/Eps15L1-double KO mice display traits of microcytic hypochromic anemia, due to a cell-autonomous defect in iron internalization.


黏着斑蛋白单克隆抗体 小鼠抗, clone hVIN-1, ascites fluid
抗 α-微管蛋白单克隆抗体 小鼠抗, ascites fluid, clone B-5-1-2
抗发动蛋白1/2抗体(克隆Hudy-1), clone Hudy-1, from mouse