  • Identification of the acyltransferase that octanoylates ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating peptide hormone.

Identification of the acyltransferase that octanoylates ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating peptide hormone.

Cell (2008-02-13)
Jing Yang, Michael S Brown, Guosheng Liang, Nick V Grishin, Joseph L Goldstein

Ghrelin is a 28 amino acid, appetite-stimulating peptide hormone secreted by the food-deprived stomach. Serine-3 of ghrelin is acylated with an eight-carbon fatty acid, octanoate, which is required for its endocrine actions. Here, we identify GOAT (Ghrelin O-Acyltransferase), a polytopic membrane-bound enzyme that attaches octanoate to serine-3 of ghrelin. Analysis of the mouse genome revealed that GOAT belongs to a family of 16 hydrophobic membrane-bound acyltransferases that includes Porcupine, which attaches long-chain fatty acids to Wnt proteins. GOAT is the only member of this family that octanoylates ghrelin when coexpressed in cultured endocrine cell lines with prepro-ghrelin. GOAT activity requires catalytic asparagine and histidine residues that are conserved in this family. Consistent with its function, GOAT mRNA is largely restricted to stomach and intestine, the major ghrelin-secreting tissues. Identification of GOAT will facilitate the search for inhibitors that reduce appetite and diminish obesity in humans.


Octanoyl coenzyme A 锂盐 水合物, ≥95% (HPLC)