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HomeIntegrated OfferingsBiopharma 4.0Bioprocessing Data Analytics Software

Bioprocessing Data Analytics Software

Biopharmaceutical manufacturers generate and collect massive amounts of data – from incoming material information, quality control results, LIMS, QMS, MES systems, and unit operation sensors. Yet, due to data silos, disparate data formats, data governance issues, and other factors, 70% of bioprocessing data goes unused.

Because better process understanding and improved product quality requires greater use of data, the industry is adopting data visualization and analysis tools together with technologies such as data lakes, cloud computing, augmented or virtual reality (AR and VR), and predictive analytics.


To avoid time-consuming, manual efforts, biotech companies need smart data management tools that automatically collect data from disparate sources such as manual records, spreadsheets, external databases, and machine data, and then aggregate it into an analysis-ready format. To this single dataset, biomanufacturers can now apply data analytics, visualizations, and process monitoring technology that improves product quality and optimize processes.

Bio4C OrchestratorTM Software
Bio4C ProcessPad™ Software

Bio4C ProcessPad software is a data visualization, analytics, and process monitoring platform which allows you to easily acquire, aggregate, and analyze bioprocessing data. 

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Two scientists in the lab reviewing bioprocessing data visualizations on a computer monitor
Bioprocessing Data Analytics Software
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