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  • Affinity labeling of a sulfhydryl group in the cardiacglycoside receptor site of Na+/K(+)-ATPase by N-hydroxysuccinimidyl derivatives of digoxigenin.

Affinity labeling of a sulfhydryl group in the cardiacglycoside receptor site of Na+/K(+)-ATPase by N-hydroxysuccinimidyl derivatives of digoxigenin.

European journal of biochemistry (1995-01-15)
R Antolovic, D Linder, J Hahnen, W Schoner

Na+/K(+)-ATPase from pig kidney is inactivated by protein-reactive N-hydroxysuccinimidyl derivatives of digoxigenin. Like digoxigenin, its protein-reactive derivatives N-hydroxysuccinimidyl digoxigenin-3-methylcarbonyl-epsilon-aminocaproate (HDMA), 3-amino-3-deoxydigoxigenin hemisuccinimide succinimidyl ester (ADHS), 3-iodoacetylamino-3-deoxydigoxigenin (IAD) and digoxigenin-3-O-succinyl-[2-(N-maleimido)]ethylamide (DSME) inhibited the sodium pump in the presence of Na+, Mg2+ and ATP. At 37 degrees C, half-maximal inhibition of Na+/K(+)-ATPase was seen by HDMA at 0.47 microM, by ADHS at 5.8 microM, by IAD at 8 microM and by DSME at 94 microM. Thus, all compounds bind to the cardiac steroid receptor site of Na+/K(+)-ATPase. Affinity labeling of the alpha subunit by 'front door' or 'back door' phosphorylation was only seen with HDMA or ADHS in the range 0.1 microM. Excess of ouabain protected against affinity labeling. All the other protein-reactive derivatives of digoxigenin labeled the enzyme independent of the formation of a phosphointermediate at much higher concentrations. This labeling was not suppressed by an excess of ouabain. Tryptic hydrolysis of the HDMA-modified Na+/K(+)-ATPase gave peptides of the apparent molecular masses 20, 12.5 and 11.2 kDa. The 11.2-kDa and 12.5-kDa peptides started amino-terminally with Asp68, and the 20-kDa peptide with Asp24. Thus, the HDMA-labeled peptides originate from the cardioactive steroid-binding site formed by the first and second transmembrane helix. N-Hydroxysuccinimidyl esters such as HDMA are normally thought to modify lysine and arginine residues covalently. Since such residues do not exist in the putative cardiac glycoside-binding site, the possibility of a thioester formation of the digoxigenin derivatives HDMA and ADHS with Cys104 in the H1 transmembrane domain was tested. In fact, hydroxylaminolysis led to the release of the covalently bound HDMA, and the formation of a free sulfhydryl group. This could be labeled by [2-14C]ICH2COOH. We therefore propose, consistent with a recent conclusion from a site-directed mutagenesis experiment [Canessa, C. M., Horisberger, J.-D., Louvard, D. & Rossier, B. C. (1992) EMBO J. 11, 1681-1687], that a cysteine residue (probably Cys104) participates in the structure and function of the cardiac glycoside binding.

Product Number
Product Description

Digoxigenin NHS-ester, ≥80% (HPLC)
Anti-Digoxigenin, from mouse IgG1κ (clone 1.71.256)