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Genome homeostasis defects drive enlarged cells into senescence.

Molecular cell (2023-11-18)
Sandhya Manohar, Marianna E Estrada, Federico Uliana, Karla Vuina, Patricia Moyano Alvarez, Robertus A M de Bruin, Gabriel E Neurohr

Cellular senescence refers to an irreversible state of cell-cycle arrest and plays important roles in aging and cancer biology. Because senescence is associated with increased cell size, we used reversible cell-cycle arrests combined with growth rate modulation to study how excessive growth affects proliferation. We find that enlarged cells upregulate p21, which limits cell-cycle progression. Cells that re-enter the cell cycle encounter replication stress that is well tolerated in physiologically sized cells but causes severe DNA damage in enlarged cells, ultimately resulting in mitotic failure and permanent cell-cycle withdrawal. We demonstrate that enlarged cells fail to recruit 53BP1 and other non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) machinery to DNA damage sites and fail to robustly initiate DNA damage-dependent p53 signaling, rendering them highly sensitive to genotoxic stress. We propose that an impaired DNA damage response primes enlarged cells for persistent replication-acquired damage, ultimately leading to cell division failure and permanent cell-cycle exit.

Product Number
Product Description

Anti-phospho-Histone H2A.X (Ser139) Antibody, clone JBW301, clone JBW301, Upstate®, from mouse
mTOR Inhibitor XI, Torin1, mTOR Inhibitor XI, Torin1, CAS 1222998-36-8, is a cell-permeable, highly potent, ATP-competitive inhibitor of mTOR and DNA-PK (IC50 = 4.32 and 6.34 nM, respectively).
Camptothecin, Camptotheca acuminata, A cell-permeable DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor.
Nutlin-3a, ≥98% (HPLC)