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HomeLysis & Protein ExtractionProtease Inhibitor Cocktails

Protease Inhibitor Cocktails

Our complete collection of Protease Inhibitor Cocktails offers a diverse portfolio that accommodates your different sample needs. Specialized cocktails are available for various sample forms:

  • Bacterial cells
  • Mammalian tissues and cells
  • Plant tissues and cells
  • Histdine-tagged (HIS-tagged) proteins.

Our portfolio also includes protease inhibitor cocktails that are tailored to specific applications:

  • We offer cocktails for customers who require animal component-free (ACF) protease inhibitor cocktails in their work.
  • We also now offer the only fully mass spectrometry-compatible protease inhibitor cocktail and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail on the market, MSSAFE.

Our Protease Inhibitor Cocktails have been optimized to maintain and preserve protein functionality following cell lysis, and are available in powder, solution, or tablet forms. Component information for our cocktails is available in the table below:

Protease Inhibitor Cocktails

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