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The parathyroid hormone regulates skin tumour susceptibility in mice.

Scientific reports (2017-09-13)
Kazuhiro Okumura, Megumi Saito, Yasuhiro Yoshizawa, Haruka Munakata, Eriko Isogai, Ikuo Miura, Shigeharu Wakana, Midori Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Shitara, Choji Taya, Andrew C Karaplis, Ryo Kominami, Yuichi Wakabayashi

Using a forward genetics approach to map loci in a mouse skin cancer model, we previously identified a genetic locus, Skin tumour modifier of MSM 1 (Stmm1) on chromosome 7, conferring strong tumour resistance. Sub-congenic mapping localized Parathyroid hormone (Pth) in Stmm1b. Here, we report that serum intact-PTH (iPTH) and a genetic polymorphism in Pth are important for skin tumour resistance. We identified higher iPTH levels in sera from cancer-resistant MSM/Ms mice compared with susceptible FVB/NJ mice. Therefore, we performed skin carcinogenesis experiments with MSM-BAC transgenic mice (Pth