- (BDP)CuH: a "hot" Stryker's reagent for use in achiral conjugate reductions.
(BDP)CuH: a "hot" Stryker's reagent for use in achiral conjugate reductions.
Organic letters (2007-12-21)
Benjamin A Baker, Zarko V Bosković, Bruce H Lipshutz
A ligand-modified, economical version of Stryker's reagent (SR) has been developed based on a bidentate, achiral bis-phosphine. Generated in situ, "(BDP)CuH" smoothly effects conjugate reductions of a variety of unsaturated substrates, including those that are normally unreactive toward SR. Substrate-to-ligand ratios typically on the order of 1000-10000:1 can be used leading to products in high yields.