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  • Biotherapy of B-cell precursor leukemia by targeting genistein to CD19-associated tyrosine kinases.

Biotherapy of B-cell precursor leukemia by targeting genistein to CD19-associated tyrosine kinases.

Science (New York, N.Y.) (1995-02-10)
F M Uckun, W E Evans, C J Forsyth, K G Waddick, L T Ahlgren, L M Chelstrom, A Burkhardt, J Bolen, D E Myers

B-cell precursor (BCP) leukemia is the most common form of childhood cancer and the second most common form of acute leukemia in adults. Human BCP leukemia was treated in a severe combined immunodeficient mouse model by targeting of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor Genistein (Gen) to the B cell-specific receptor CD19 with the monoclonal antibody B43. The B43-Gen immunoconjugate bound with high affinity to BCP leukemia cells, selectively inhibited CD19-associated tyrosine kinases, and triggered rapid apoptotic cell death. At less than one-tenth the maximum tolerated dose more than 99.999 percent of human BCP leukemia cells were killed, which led to 100 percent long-term event-free survival from an otherwise invariably fatal leukemia. The B43-Gen immuno-conjugate might be useful in eliminating leukemia cells in patients who have failed conventional therapy.

Product Number
Product Description

Sulfo-SANPAH (sulfosuccinimidyl 6-(4′-azido-2′-nitrophenylamino)hexanoate)