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  • Stereocontrolled access to orthogonally protected anti,anti-4-aminopiperidine-3,5-diols through chemoselective reduction of enantiopure beta-lactam cyanohydrins.

Stereocontrolled access to orthogonally protected anti,anti-4-aminopiperidine-3,5-diols through chemoselective reduction of enantiopure beta-lactam cyanohydrins.

The Journal of organic chemistry (2007-09-18)
Benito Alcaide, Pedro Almendros, Gema Cabrero, M Pilar Ruiz

The cyanosilylation of enantiopure 4-oxoazetidine-2-carbaldehydes with tert-butyldimethylsilyl cyanide was promoted by either molecular sieves or catalytic amount of sodium carbonate to give O-silylated beta-lactam cyanohydrins with good yield and diastereoselectivity. In contrast, Lewis acids did not effectively promote the cyanosilylation under different experimental conditions, and instead hydrocyanation took place affording the corresponding free cyanohydrins in variable yield and selectivity. Starting from beta-lactam cyanohydrin hybrids, two concise, complementary stereocontrolled routes to optically pure orthogonally protected anti,anti-4-amino-3,5-piperidine diols were achieved. Key features of the first approach include chemoselective reductive opening of the beta-lactam ring with LiBH4 to a 3-amino-5-hydroxy pentanenitrile followed by reductive cyclization of a conveniently functionalized cyanomesylate derivative with NaBH4/NiCl2. The second approach involves LiAlH4 reduction of protected anti,anti-4-amino-3,5-dihydroxypiperidin-2-ones, which were easily obtained by chemoselective reduction of the cyano group in the beta-lactam cyanohydrin hybrids with NaBH4/NiCl2 and subsequent intramolecular rearrangement of the resulting amino beta-lactams. Both routes make use of an oxidative N-dearylation with diacetoxyiodobenzene of a 4-methoxyphenylamino group as a common synthetic step. Specifically, the utility of this novel reaction sequence has been demonstrated by the synthesis of fully orthogonally protected sialidase inhibitors.