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  • HE6/GPR64 adhesion receptor co-localizes with apical and subapical F-actin scaffold in male excurrent duct epithelia.

HE6/GPR64 adhesion receptor co-localizes with apical and subapical F-actin scaffold in male excurrent duct epithelia.

Reproduction (Cambridge, England) (2008-05-13)
Christiane Kirchhoff, Caroline Osterhoff, Annemarie Samalecos

A role for HE6/GPR64 in male excurrent ducts in the regulation of water balance was suggested from targeted gene mutation in the mouse. Results of the present immunolocalization study strengthen this hypothesis. Employing monospecific antibodies and laser confocal microscopy, we studied the localization of the receptor protein in the human and wild-type mouse ductuli efferentes and epididymis. We show that HE6/GPR64 is specifically associated with cell types and subcellular domains involved in the process of fluid reabsorption. In the mouse, dual labelling with anti-tubulin antibodies revealed that HE6/GPR64 was absent from the (kino-) cilia of ciliated cells. Instead, the receptor protein accumulated in the non-ciliated principal cells. Specifically, strong immunofluorescence was observed in the apical compartment of these cells. Dual labelling with phalloidin and anti-ezrin antibodies revealed that in the mouse the bulk amount of HE6/GPR64 protein co-localized with the F-actin-ezrin scaffold in brush border-like microvilli of ductuli efferentes and long stereocilia of the epididymis proper. In the ductuli efferentes, HE6/GPR64 also co-localized with the subapical F-actin network immediately below the microvilli. Comparable immunostaining patterns were observed in human and mouse; however, a specific feature of the human ductuli efferentes was an intense HE6/GPR64-related labelling of crypt-like grooves or furrows of hitherto unknown function.