- Two-step route to indoles and analogues from haloarenes: a variation on the Fischer indole synthesis.
Two-step route to indoles and analogues from haloarenes: a variation on the Fischer indole synthesis.
The Journal of organic chemistry (2011-10-08)
Martyn Inman, Anna Carbone, Christopher J Moody
In a new variation on the Fischer indole synthesis, readily available haloarenes are converted into a wide range of indoles in just two steps by halogen-magnesium exchange and quenching with di-tert-butyl azodicarboxylate, followed by reaction with aldehydes or ketones under acidic conditions. The protocol, which is readily extended to the preparation of indole isosteres, 4- and 6-azaindoles and thienopyrroles, obviates the need to prepare potentially toxic aryl hydrazines, simultaneously avoiding undesirable anilines such as naphthylamines.