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[Potassium-sparing diuretics (spironolactone, triamterene, amylorid)].

Orvosi hetilap (1996-09-01)
A Haris, J Radó

The group of drugs, so-called "potassium sparing diuretics" represent an important part of our modern therapeutic arsenal. Their "weak diuretic" properties are especially beneficial in cirrhotic patients with ascites, when highly effective loop diuretics may be hazardous. Potassium sparing diuretics have not only the advantage of avoiding potassium loss, but can potentiate the effects of diuretics acting in distal tubules and Henle's loop also. They may be combined by each other or ACE inhibitors too, taking the necessary precautions and laboratory monitoring. Their indications include the hypertension and special diseases as Conn's, Bartter's, Liddle syndromes and hirsutism. The broad clinical usefulness justifies the drug inventory ambition to develop new, more effective potassium sparing compounds without side effects. Authors overview their main clinicofarmacological properties, therapeutical indications alone or in combinations and their potential side effects.