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[New therapeutic strategies with teicoplanin].

Medicina (2002-12-17)
Edith Carbone, Francisco Nacinovich, Daniel Stamboulian

Teicoplanin is a glycopeptide antibiotic with similar spectrum to vancomycin. However, unlike this drug, teicoplanin can be administered by i.v. or i.m. route once daily thanks to its long half-life (88 to 182 hours). This pharmacokinetic characteristic is particularly interesting in infections that require extended antimicrobial therapy, where new therapeutic strategies may be considered. Long-term treatment with teicoplanin proved effective in the treatment of bone and joint infections due to methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Teicoplanin administered three times a week yields comparable clinical efficacy than daily administration with considerably improved cost-effectiveness. This aspect merits special attention, particularly when evaluating prolonged outpatient antibiotic therapy regimens. For synergic effects it is possible to associate teicoplanin with other antibiotics. Chronic suppressive antibiotic therapy with teicoplanin may be an alternative in carefully selected patients, particularly those carrying prosthetic devices.