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  • Comparison of liquid-liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction and co-precipitation preconcentration methods for the determination of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in seawater.

Comparison of liquid-liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction and co-precipitation preconcentration methods for the determination of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in seawater.

Analytica chimica acta (2007-08-29)
Irina Komjarova, Ronny Blust

Three major types of pre-concentration methods were evaluated and optimised for the extraction and determination of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn from seawater samples. The traditional APDC/DDDC-Freon liquid-liquid extraction method showed excellent results for a multi-elemental analysis. However, the technique is labour consuming, very sensitive to operational conditions, employs environmentally unsafe and expensive solvents and requires large sample volumes. In the solid phase extraction method, the performances of a traditional Amberlite XAD-4 and a novel Dowex Optipore V-493 were evaluated. Application of Dowex Optipore V-493 resin provided better results at low concentrations than the generally used Amberlite XAD-4 resin using low sample volumes. However, the presence of natural organic compounds may decrease extraction efficiency of both resins for Cu. Thus, a pre-treatment with UV irradiation is advantageous for samples with high organic content. Cobalt co-precipitation methods showed good Cu and Ni recoveries, but gave poor results for Cd at low concentrations. In addition, high sample volumes are required. Both solid phase and co-precipitation methods showed unsatisfactory results in determination of Pb. Finally, a summary of methods advantages are given for choosing the most suitable method.