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[Toxic action and deratization effect of acute rodenticide].

Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki (1983-01-01)
S Kesiakova, I Nikiforov

Tested was the toxic action and the deratization effect of the new acutely acting rodenticide EL614 recently introduced into deratization practice. The experiments were carried out with laboratory rats and pigs as well as with the rats found in a swine breeding complex. Studied were the morphologic and histopathologic changes in the internal organs of rats that had swallowed baits carrying the preparation in various concentration. It was found that LD50 for rats up to the 24th hour after swallowing the poison was 4.13 mg/kg, and it was 1.78 mg/kg at the 48t hour, and 1.32 mg/kg at the 72nd hour. Intoxication and death set in as the result of impaired function of almost all organs, which was explained by the lipidotropic action of the preparation. Particularly severe were the lesions (hemodynamic and degenerative) in the brain. In field trials the baits contained EL614 in concentration of 0.005 per cent, showed a low deratization effect the first day after setting them. In this case the effect could be explained by the stress developing among the rodent population. The same baits in amounts surpassing 300-400 g caused intoxication and death in pigs of 20 kg live weight.