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DNA damage by 5-nitro-2-furylacrylic acid, a nitrofuran derivative.

Chemico-biological interactions (1987-01-01)
S N Chatterjee, S K Banerjee, A K Pal, J Basak

5-Nitro-2-furylacrylic acid (5-NFA) caused dose dependent inhibition of growth of Escherichia coli K-12 strain AB 2480 (uvr-, rec-), the 37% (D37) and 10% (D10) survival doses being 1.0 microgram/ml.h and 1.75 micrograms/ml.h, respectively. Although much higher doses of drug were required to achieve comparable inhibition of growth of E. coli strain 1157 (repair proficient), significant filamentation of these cells was produced by treatment with 1.0 microgram/ml 5-NFA for 4 hr. Ultraviolet absorption data and thermal chromatography through hydroxyapatite (HAP) column revealed that 5-NFA treatment of E. coli strain AB 2480 produced more than 80% of DNA reversibly bihelical due to the formation of interstrand cross-links and the initial part of the reaction obeyed a first order relation. 5-NFA also produced dose-dependent increase of prophage induction in E. coli strain GY 5027: envA, uvrB, ampA1, strA (lambda). The implications of the action of 5-NFA on DNA in relation to the induction of 'SOS' functions and carcinogenesis were discussed.