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  • Investigations into the biosynthetic pathways for classical and ring B-unsaturated oestrogens in equine placental preparations and allantochorionic tissues.

Investigations into the biosynthetic pathways for classical and ring B-unsaturated oestrogens in equine placental preparations and allantochorionic tissues.

The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology (2003-02-19)
S J Foster, D E Marshall, E Houghton, D B Gower

In on-going studies of 'classical' and ring B-unsaturated oestrogens in equine pregnancy, the products of metabolism of [2,2,4,6,6-2H(5)]-testosterone and [16,16,17-2H(3)]-5,7-androstadiene-3 beta,17 beta-diol with equine placental subcellular preparations and allantochorionic villi have been identified. Using mixtures of unlabelled and [2H]-labelled steroid substrates has allowed the unequivocal identification of metabolites by twin-ion monitoring in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Two types of incubation were used: (i) static in vitro and (ii) dynamic in vitro. The latter involved the use of the Oxycell cartridge (Integra Bioscience Systems, St Albans, UK) whereby the tissue preparation was continuously supplied with supporting medium plus appropriate cofactors in the presence of uniform oxygenation. [2H(5)]-Testosterone was converted into [2H(4)]-oestradiol-17 beta, [2H(4)]-oestrone and [2H(3)]-6-dehydro-oestradiol-17 alpha in both placental and chorionic villi preparations, but to a greater extent in the latter, confirming the importance of the chorionic villi in oestrogen production in the horse. On the basis of GC-MS characteristics (M(+) m/z 477/482 (as O-methyl oxime-trimethyl silyl ether), evidence for 19-hydroxylation of testosterone was found in static incubations, while the presence of a 6-hydroxy-oestradiol-17 alpha was recorded in dynamic incubations (twin peaks in the mass spectrum at m/z 504/507, the molecular ion M(+)). It was not possible to determine the configuration at C-6. The formation of small, but significant, quantities of [2H(4)]-17 beta-dihydroequilin was also shown, and a biosynthetic pathway is proposed. In static incubations of placental microsomal fractions, the 17 beta-dihydro forms of both equilin and equilenin were shown to be major metabolites of [2H(3)]-5,7-androstadiene-3,17-diol. Using static incubations of chorionic villi, the deuterated substrate was converted into the 17 beta-dihydro forms of both equilin and equilenin, together with an unidentified metabolite (base peak, m/z 504/506). The isomeric 17-dihydroequilins were also obtained using the dynamic in vitro incubation of equine chorionic villi, together with the 17 beta-isomer of dihydroequilenin. Confirmation of the identity of 17 beta-dihydroequilin and 17 beta-dihydroequilenin was obtained by co-injection of the authentic unlabelled steroids with the phenolic fraction obtained from various incubations. Increases in the peak areas for the non-deuterated steroids (ions at m/z 414 (17 beta-dihydroequilin) and 412 (17 beta-dihydroequilenin) (both as bis-trimethyl silyl ether derivatives) were observed. Biosynthetic pathways for formation of the ring B-unsaturated oestrogens from 5,7-androstadiene-3 beta,17 beta-diol are proposed.