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Recent advances in screen-film mammography.

Radiologic clinics of North America (1987-09-01)
A G Haus

Today there are many dedicated mammographic x-ray units available that are capable of providing high-quality screen-film mammograms. Likewise, screen-film combinations designed for mammography are capable of providing images with appropriate contrast, resolution, and noise levels. Proper film processing is most important in order to obtain the appropriate film speed and contrast. A higher-speed screen-film combination designed for mammography can provide mammograms with significantly lower radiation dose, especially for grid and magnification techniques. Designing x-ray units and techniques as well as screen-film combinations with the singular goal of reducing radiation dose will always involve compromises and trade-offs. The key is to always consider optimizing all of the factors that affect image quality: (1) appropriate beam quality, (2) breast compression, (3) consideration of the use of grids, (4) good geometry, (5) selection of an appropriate screen-film combination, and (6) proper film processing. Optimization of all appropriate imaging factors will produce high-quality mammograms at the lowest radiation dose to the patient.