- Naturally occurring 2'-O-methylpurine nucleosides with hypotensive properties.
Naturally occurring 2'-O-methylpurine nucleosides with hypotensive properties.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (1998-04-16)
T Yamada, K Kageyama, Y Joh, J Konishi, K Ienaga
2'-O-Methylinosine (1) has been isolated for the first time and shown to be an intrinsic hypotensive principle. Its probable in vivo precursor, 2'-O-methyladenosine (3), showed stronger and even orally potent hypotensive activity. Resistance of the methyladenosine (3) against adenosine deaminase is thought to contribute to its long-lasting activity. The effect of both nucleosides (1 and 3) was not accompanied with any significant change in heart rate, which is often observed with adenosine.