- Comparison of ampholytes used for slab gel and capillary isoelectric focusing of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator glycoforms.
Comparison of ampholytes used for slab gel and capillary isoelectric focusing of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator glycoforms.
Four commercial ampholytes: Ampholine and Pharmalyte (Pharmacia Biotech), Bio-Lyte (Bio-Rad) and Servalyt (Serva) were evaluated for their ability to resolve recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) glycoforms by isoelectric focusing (IEF) and capillary IEF (cIEF). Each brand of ampholytes focused rt-PA into 3-4 major and 5-6 minor bands on slab gel electrophoresis. Visually, focused bands stained with Coomassie Blue appeared to be similarly resolved by all the ampholytes except for Ampholines, where the bands were closely grouped and more intensely stained. When cIEF was performed, Pharmalytes and Ampholines resolved rt-PA glycoforms consistent with the slab gels. No discernible peaks were detected during cIEF of rt-PA using Servalyts or Bio-Lytes. UV spectrophotometric scans of the components used for cIEF showed that Servalyts absorbed intensely over a range which overlapped the detector bandpass. Bio-Lytes showed absorption over a narrower UV range but still overlapped the detector bandpass, thus preventing the discernment of protein peaks. For this cIEF system the best ampholytes were Ampholines and Pharmalytes.