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[Pharmacologic correction of the effect of cold on man].

Kosmicheskaia biologiia i aviakosmicheskaia meditsina (1988-11-01)
A S Barer, N G Lakota, G Z Ostrovskaia, V S Shashkov

The effect of pharmacological stimulants and prescriptions on the thermal status of man and their possible use to extend the exposure to the cold environment were investigated. The effectiveness of the following drugs and prescriptions was assessed: sydnocarb, phenamine, indopan; glutamic acid + lagochilus + ephedrine; sydnocarb + glutamic acid (sydnogluton); ephedrine + glutamic acid + strychnine. The test subjects were kept in air (in a thermal chamber) at -20 degrees C or in water at 0 to 2.5 degrees C (resting or swimming). The most effective treatment was provided by sydnocarb (effective doses were 10 mg X 2 or 30 mg X 5 in air or water, respectively) and sydnogluton (sydnocarb 30 mg + glutamic acid 0.25 g X 5 in cold water). When compared to placebo, sydnocarb (or sydnogluton) assured better thermal parameters of the body in cold water and longer (by 2-6 hrs) exposure which increased to 20 hrs.