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  • Influence of strain and sex on the metabolic profile of rats in repeated dose toxicological studies.

Influence of strain and sex on the metabolic profile of rats in repeated dose toxicological studies.

Toxicology letters (2009-08-18)
V Strauss, J Wiemer, E Leibold, H Kamp, T Walk, W Mellert, R Looser, A Prokoudine, E Fabian, G Krennrich, M Herold, B van Ravenzwaay

The impact of the strain on the metabolite profile of plasma samples in rats dosed with 2500 ppm 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA acid) or 45 mg/kg bw/day 4-chloro-3-nitroaniline (4C3N) for 4 weeks was evaluated. Four different strains were used: two Wistar strains (Crl:WI(Han), Han:RCC:WIST(SPF)), one Sprague-Dawley (Crl:CD) and one Fisher strain (F-344/Crl). The metabolite profiles in the plasma were measured by LC-MS and GC-MS. The profound changes of the metabolite values induced by the MCPA acid treatment outweighed slight deviations caused by physiological variations between the different rat strains. The metabolome changes of the MCPA acid in all strains could be related to toxicological "mode of action" patterns (peroxisome proliferator, renal organic anionic transporter inhibition) with Crl:WI(Han) rats as reference strain. 4C3N administration led to extravascular hemolytic anemia with a small number of metabolome changes, which were strain dependent. The metabolome pattern associated with "hemolytic anemia" established with the reference strain (Crl:Wi(Han)) was not sufficiently similar in other strains. Thus, comparable metabolome profiles were obtained in different rat strains for a compound inducing profound metabolite changes. For a compound with a weak profile the results were more variable and appeared to be strain dependent.