- Lack of bioavailability of dichlorobenzidine form diarylide azo pigments: molecular dosimetry for hemoglobin and DNA adducts.
Lack of bioavailability of dichlorobenzidine form diarylide azo pigments: molecular dosimetry for hemoglobin and DNA adducts.
The hypothetical release of 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine (DCB) from two insoluble azo pigments and from a soluble azo dye was investigated in female Wistar rats for a 4 week treatment with 0.2% (w/w) Colour Index Pigment 13 (PY13) or 0.2% (w/w) Colour Index Pigment Yellow 17 (PY17) in the diet or 0.06% (w/v) Colour Index Direct Red 46 (DR46) in the drinking water. Steady-state DCB-hemoglobin adduct levels were determined by GC/MS with negative chemical ionization as well as DCB-DNA adduct levels in the liver by (32)P-postlabelling and compared with the respective adduct levels obtained in animals after treatment for 4 weeks with 0.00024, 0.0012 or 0.006% (w/v) DCB in the drinking water. A dose-proportional increase in adduct levels from 8.1 ng/g hemoglobin and 2.6 ng/g DNA (relative adduct level, RAL, 3.3x10(-9)) to 160 ng/g hemoglobin and 45.4 ng/g DNA (RAL 56.1x10(-9)) was observed in the DCB-treated rats. In rats treated with DR46 total adduct levels of 17.7 ng/g hemoglobin and 5.2 ng/g DNA (RAL 6.4x10(-9))were determined. No hemoglobin of DNA adducts were found in rats treated with PY17 in the diet, at a limit of detection of 0.1 ng/g hemoglobin and 0.08 ng/g DNA (RAL 0.1x10(-9)). In animals treated with PY13 in the diet no adducts or only minimal amounts slightly above the limit of detection could be identified. Taking into consideration that PY13 was contaminated with 0.02% of the respective soluble monoazo compound, it is concluded that the small amounts of DCB detected have been released from the contaminating soluble monoazo compound and not from insoluble PY13. The results of the present study demonstrate the lack of bioavailability of DCB from the diarylide azo pigments PY17 and PY13.