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  • Enantiomer separation of drugs by micellar electrokinetic chromatography using chiral surfactants.

Enantiomer separation of drugs by micellar electrokinetic chromatography using chiral surfactants.

Journal of chromatography. A (2000-06-06)
K Otsuka, S Terabe

A review surveying enantiomer separations by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) using chiral surfactants is described. MEKC is one of the most popular techniques in capillary electrophoresis, where neutral compounds can be analyzed as well as charged ones, and the use of chiral micelles enable one to achieve the enantioseparation. The chiral MEKC systems are briefly reviewed according to the types of chiral surfactants along with typical applications. As chiral micelles or pseudostationary phases in MEKC, various natural and synthetic chiral surfactants are used, including several low-molecular-mass surfactants and polymerized surfactants or high-molecular-mass surfactants. Cyclodextrin modified MEKC using chiral micelles is also considered.