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  • A feasible strategy to improve confident elemental composition determination of compounds in complex organic mixture such as natural organic matter by FTICR-MS without internal calibration.

A feasible strategy to improve confident elemental composition determination of compounds in complex organic mixture such as natural organic matter by FTICR-MS without internal calibration.

The Science of the total environment (2020-11-14)
Dong Cao, Zhineng Hao, Ming Hu, Fanglan Geng, Ziyu Rao, Hongyun Niu, Yali Shi, Yaqi Cai, Yiqi Zhou, Jingfu Liu, Yuehui Kang

Confident elemental composition determination of compounds in complex samples such as natural organic matter (NOM) by ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) is challenging due to the interference between multiple components in these samples during detection. Here the performance of Solarix 15T-FTICR-MS in terms of accurate relative natural isotope abundance (RIA) and mass measurements for elemental composition determination of compounds in complex samples such as NOM was systematically evaluated. The optimal sweep excitation power values ranging from 20% to 22% was found to significantly diminish the underestimation of RIA measurement for 13C1 peaks of NOM components by FTICR-MS. Random error was found to be one of the main sources for the RIA errors of 13C1 peaks with S/N ratios <25. The mean averaged RIA errors of less than 10% could be obtained by averaging the measured RIAs of each 13C1 peaks in five replicated runs. By adjusting the total ion abundance of NOM complex sample between 3.8-E7 and 1.4-E8 which was simultaneously similar to that of external calibrant during detection, mass errors of lower than 1 ppm for NOM components with m/z lower than 700 Da could be obtained without internal calibration. Meanwhile, a linear correlation between mass errors of ions in NOM complex sample and their m/z values could be obtained. The mass error deviation derived from the linearity was firstly used as new criterion to reduce the number of false formula candidates. A novel strategy of combination of high mass accuracy, high spectral accuracy, and mass error deviation for elemental composition determination of unknown compounds in complex sample such as NOM by FTICR-MS was proposed and applied for different complex samples. Compared to the traditional method, about one fold increasement in the number of the unique formula assignments for measured ions was obtained by using our strategy.